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VMWare Environment

Q: What do I need when I configure a VMware ESX Environment?

A: You will provide Cloudamize with read-only credentials to your vCenter.


Q: How does Cloudamize send data out if I have a vCenter that is not accessible by Internet?

A: Cloudamize provides a proxy that connects to vCenter on one side and the Cloudamize server on the other side to forward the data to the Cloudamize server.


Q: What ports does the Cloudamize proxy use?

A: The Cloudamize proxy connects to vCenter on SSL (port 443) and the Cloudamize server on port 80.


Q: Do I have to install the Cloudamize proxy on the vCenter host?

A: No, you can install the Cloudamize proxy on the vCenter host or any other Windows VM that has access to Internet as well as the vCenter host.


Q: Do I need to install agents on individual VMs?

A: In order to get data on application interdependencies you will need to install agents on individual VMs. This information is used to build move groups in the Migration Planner.


Q: Do I still need to provide read-only credentials to vCenter?

A: Yes, this allows Cloudamize to get basic inventory and performance related data.


Q: What is the performance overhead of collecting data from the vCenter?

A: vCenter is already collecting the data. Cloudamize reads the collected data and sends that over the Cloudamize server.


Q: How much bandwidth is used when the data is transported from vCenter? 

A: Approximately 40 KB per hour.

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