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VMware Environment

Q: What do I need when I configure a VMware ESXi Environment?

A: You will provide Cloudamize with read-only credentials to your vCenter.


Q: How does Cloudamize send data out if I have a vCenter that is not accessible via the internet?

A: Cloudamize provides a proxy that connects to vCenter on one side and the Cloudamize server on the other side to forward the data to the Cloudamize server.


Q: What ports does the Cloudamize proxy use?

A: The Cloudamize proxy connects to vCenter on SSL (port 443) and the Cloudamize server on port 80.


Q: Do I have to install the Cloudamize proxy on the vCenter host?

A: No, you can install the Cloudamize proxy on the vCenter host or any other Windows VM that has access to the internet as well as the vCenter host.


Q: Do I need to install agents on individual VMs?

A: In order to get data related to application dependencies, you will need to install agents on individual VMs or configure the Cloudamize Agentless Data Collector.


Q: Do I still need to provide read-only credentials to vCenter?

A: No, you do not need to add your vCenter to Cloudamize for data collection. The preferred method is to install agents. Alternatively, you can configure the Cloudamize Agentless Data Collector.


Q: What is the performance overhead of collecting data from the vCenter?

A: vCenter is already collecting the data. Cloudamize reads the collected data and sends the data to the Cloudamize servers.


Q: How much bandwidth is used when the data is transported from vCenter? 

A: Approximately 40 KB per hour.

Q: How is VMware stretch storage captured by Cloudamize? Is it visible in the storage numbers / VM?

A: Cloudamize Software does not collect stretch storage data.

Q: How does Cloudamize handle duplicates when both the agent/agentless and vCenter data collection methods are used together?

A: The portal deduplicates the “virtual” (vCenter/hypervisor monitored) and “physical” (agent/agentless monitored) and combines the data from both while only using one Cloudamize license. In the Discover section, when you navigate to Inventory Settings, you will see that the column Assessment Scope indicates “Hybrid” data collection.

Q: Are there any VM Scanning capacity limits with VMware?

A: The VMware data collection method does not have a capacity limit for data collection outside of the normal assessment capacity limit (i.e., the number of Cloudamize licenses allocated for the assessment).

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