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Classic Console is Retiring

As of March 2025, Cloudamize are making the New UI (console-lite) the default UI for the Cloudamize console.

Whats Changing ?

As part of transitioning to the New UI, Cloudamize are limiting access to the Classic Console by making the New UI the default. As of this release, features that were previously only supported on the Classic Console - Designer and Migrator Canvas - will be accessible from the new UI itself. This change renders the Classic Console entirely redundant.

As a result:

  • The “Switch to old UI button” will no longer appear anywhere on the new UI

  • Attempting to access the old UI URL’s will display appropriate messages and a link to navigate to the new UI

The new UI won’t show the switch to button

Designer can be opened from Overview dashboard on new UI

Classic Console’s Designer can be accessed within new UI; provider can be changed from Platform Drop down at top of screen

Classic Console’s Migration planner Canvas can be accessed from Application Canvas tab from new UI’s Plan page

When accessing Classic Console URL, a message and link to navigate to new UI are shown

 If you have any queries about the new UI functionality please refer to our KB documentation, or contact the technical helpdesk.

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