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Preliminary Hardware Results


Once the Cloudamize assessment has started, the Preliminary Hardware plan will be available within a few days (depending on the number of machines being monitored). This plan will give results for a 1-to-1 hardware mapping of your infrastructure, and the associated costs in the cloud. These results are calculated based on the type of CPU, number of CPU cores, allocated memory, number of storage disks, and storage disk sizes. At this stage the performance data (actual CPU utilization, memory consumption, network) have not been considered. Cloudamize will try to find a similar recommendation to what you are running in your current environment.

Open the Preliminary Hardware Results

Login to the Cloudamize portal at If the Preliminary Hardware results are ready, you will see the summary details as well as the TCO for the chosen cloud provider(s) as seen in the following image:

Click on "View Details" to view the Preliminary Hardware results. After clicking this button, you will be presented with detailed information relating to your infrastructure. In the left-hand panel, you will see the Preliminary Hardware plan is selected. At the top of this page, you will see a notification indicating when the full results will be delivered.

After you click the "View Details" button you will be presented with detailed information relating to your infrastructure.

Understanding the Results

Click on the Summary, Compute, or Storage tab to view the Preliminary Hardware results. Note that there will be no results available for Network until the full results are released. The Preliminary Hardware results are based entirely on the hardware detected - CPU type, number of CPU cores, allocated memory, number of storage disks, and size of storage disks. At this stage of the assessment, there will not be any right-sizing based on observed usage. The instance which Cloudamize recommends in this plan will be the most cost-effective instance capable of matching the hardware detected. Once the full results are released, the Preliminary Hardware plan will be replaced by the default Hardware plan.

This should help you get an estimate of your costs and help you start your planning before the full assessment results are released.

Please note that the Preliminary Hardware Results are not visible by default. If you would like to view your Preliminary Hardware Results, please contact your Cloudamize Technical Account Manager or contact

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